From one vantage point, we can say that every person who has repented and believed in Jesus of Nazareth has come to view the Lamb of God on the Tree of healing for their pardon and freedom. That is the power of Tim Ladwig’s annual art piece The Wondrous Cross. Through baptism, every believer has come to share his death by faith; at the Cross, we died, we were buried with our Savior, and now, in him, we have risen to new life. This amazing identification is visually and concretely depicted in baptism (e.g., Rom. 6.1-11; Gal. 2.20; Col. 2.12ff; etc.). His death is our death, and now, his life is our life (Col. 3.1-4). Text on Image: The Wondrous Cross, 1 Corinthians 1.18