Mastering the key elements of music is central for any aspiring musician. This ready-reference handbook of music theory and musicianship represents the concise summary of many years of experience in training both worship leaders and musicians the elementary principles of good music composition and play. This handy guidebook was designed to serve as a crash-course in effective musicianship. Among other helpful items, it includes clear, accessible descriptions of the elements of music, music theory, including such essentials as the universal key, how to learn rhythm and make riffs on one's instrument, chord changing theory, and a host of other important tools for the worshiping musician determine to improve their craft. This booklet contains the basic fundamentals of music. Each of these fundamentals is explained briefly, not with an emphasis on theory alone. The focus is on learning the fundamentals so you can practice using that knowledge to master them. This is written from a very non-technical standpoint, although it is a treasure of music theory. Focus on the fundamentals, learn the theory, and translate the theory into practice, always remembering the reason for all of your hard work at developing your music skill--your love for our triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Obey him by trying to make a joyful noise to the Lord!