Prerequisite Readings for the Evangel School of Urban Church Planting
This important collection of writings is taken from the official packet of church planting reference materials made available to every participant in our Evangel School of Urban Church Planting event. We selected these writings in order to help coaches and church planters understand the fundamental issues associated with planting a church in a particular context. Whatever role you play in the church planting process, these articles will help inform and orient you to the critical concepts, processes, and overall vision and strategy of church planting in general, and our Evangel training sessions in particular. So, whether you are a candidate to lead an Evangel school, a coach of a church plant leader and team, or planting a church yourself, you are sure to benefit greatly by a careful consideration of these materials. These church planting insights are truly the “front matters” you should be aware of before you engage in the rewarding ministry of church planting.