
Module 13- The New Testament Witness to Christ & His Kingdom

There can be no question that the most critical and important subject to master in the life of a Christian leader is the actual person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. No other subject is as significant or controversial as the meaning of his life and ministry. This module is designed to introduce you to a “life of Jesus” survey that concentrates on the historical accounts in the Gospels, beginning at the announcement of his birth to his ascension after his death at Calvary. No other study can yield a greater intellectual and spiritual harvest than a concentrated focus upon the historical facts surrounding Jesus’ life, ministry, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension. Jesus of Nazareth is Messiah and Lord of all!

After summarizing the critical perspectives and processes associated with a profitable study of the life of Christ, we consider the birth, infancy, and childhood narratives of the Messiah. We see that the New Testament reveals in the Gospel accounts of the Apostles that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah who fulfills the promise of God for salvation, redemption, and revelation. We next look at the historical context surrounding Jesus’ public ministry, and the various Jewish sects and parties which responded to him and to Rome throughout his public ministry. We will explore how the OT messianic portrait is fulfilled perfectly in the life and works of Jesus of Nazareth. His suffering, death, and resurrection give clear witness that he, in fact, was truly the One prophesied to come and restore God’s Kingdom to the world. Indeed, Jesus is vindicated as the Messiah through his resurrection, his ascension, and the sending of the Holy Spirit to the Church, which is his body in the world today.

Required Textbooks Purchase Options

Due to the limited availability of some books on our required textbooks list, we have expanded the list to include more options. For each Capstone Module, mentors should choose one book from each Group (A, B, C, D) for their entire class. Every student in a class should read the same books. Also, unless noted, reading assignments will no longer be listed for each book. The class mentor has the authority to split up the reading assignments to have the books completed by the end of the course. This will provide flexibility to use various editions for some books. Clicking on the book-covers below will direct you to the Amazon page for the paperback or Kindle versions of the books.

Video Purchase Options
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Module 13- The New Testament Witness to Christ & His Kingdom - Group A (choose 1)

Group A (choose 1)

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Module 13- The New Testament Witness to Christ & His Kingdom - Group B (choose 1)

Group B (choose 1)

Amazon - Paperback Amazon - Kindle
Module 13- The New Testament Witness to Christ & His Kingdom - Group B (choose 1)

Group B (choose 1)

Amazon - Paperback Amazon - Kindle