
Bengali-Standard Bible Blossom

The Bible Blossom was created to equip believers to tell the Story of God in Jesus Christ. It is a visual bible for the millions of believers whose cultures are oral and story-oriented (which is the case with virtually everyone in poverty). Dozens of beautiful images are assembled in a way that links the stories of the Bible together. The whole story is connected to show that the Gospel of Christ and his Kingdom is the cord binding all of Scripture together. We have also created a Storyteller’s Handbook keyed to The Bible Blossom that orients storytellers to the settings, characters, themes, and plots connected with the images.

Bengali-Standard Bible Blossom - Bible Blossom Storybook - Bengali-Standard Edition

Bible Blossom Storybook - Bengali-Standard Edition

Flipping Book Rakuten - Kobo Lulu - Paperback
Bengali-Standard Bible Blossom - Bible Blossom Storyteller's Handbook - Bengali-Standard Edition

Bible Blossom Storyteller's Handbook - Bengali-Standard Edition

Flipping Book Rakuten - Kobo Lulu - Paperback